Poet Statement

Words are the whispers of the soul, carrying the essence of our humanity. My poetry is a journey to distill the beauty and complexity of life into language that resonates, inspires, and connects us. I seek to craft verses that are both a reflection of our shared experiences and a celebration of our unique perspectives. May my words be a balm for the heart, a spark for the imagination, and a bridge between our stories.

Poet Profile / Bio

Tosin Iwayemi is a poet and writer with a passion for crafting words that inspire, heal, and connect. With a keen eye for detail and a heart full of wonder, [He/She/They] weaves together words to create a tapestry of emotions, thoughts, and experiences.

About the Poetry: Tosin's poetry explores themes of  e.g. love, nature, social justice, identity, etc.. With a unique voice and style, He invites readers to reflect, dream, and ponder the complexities of life.

Tosin Iwayemi's Poetic Collection(s)

African Women in the Western Hues

In the tapestry of time, African women stand,

Embroidered with stories, traditions so grand.

They migrated westward, seeking a new day,

Yet, their cultural threads began to fray.


In the foreign lands where the sun sets slow,

Marriage and change, a transformative flow.

Legal bindings, a Western embrace,

Yet, the roots loosen, a delicate grace.


Beneath the skyline of a foreign gaze,

African women waltz in cultural daze.

Matrimonial laws, a double-edged sword,

Traditions neglected, a silent discord.


In the corridors of justice, she finds her voice,

Yet, echoes of heritage begin to lose poise.

Matriarchs' whispers fade in city's hum,

A sacrifice made, a cultural strum.


The dance of commitment, a delicate trance,

Married women sway in the Western expanse.

Yet, echoes of ancestors linger and yearn,

In the silence of assimilation, they discern.


Bridging the gap, a marital divide,

African women, in cultural tide.

For in the quest for rights, traditions drift,

Leaving behind the roots, a cultural shift.


In the rhythm of change, traditions retrace,

Yet, in every heart, a homeland's embrace.

African women, resilient and bold,

Balancing cultures, a story untold.


As the sun sets in the land of the free,

African women redefine what it means to be.

In the dance of marriage and cultural change,

Their essence endures, an eternal exchange.

About the Poem

This poem incorporates elements of imagery, symbolism, metaphor, and personification to convey the themes of African women, marriage, and cultural change.

Wanderlust Echoes

In the heart's corridors, where memories reside,

Migrated souls yearn for the echoes of home, far and wide.

The compass spins, an unfamiliar course,

Moral and mental landscapes bear the migration force.


Through bustling cities with steel veins and concrete dreams,

We navigate the labyrinths, lost in spectral streams.

Morality shifts, an ethereal dance,

In the rhythm of progress, we sacrifice perchance.


Can food echoes where natural harvests once thrived,

Preserved in metal, the taste of home contrived.

The dishes of nostalgia, made of earth's embrace,

Now replaced with preservatives, a sterile taste.


Sunshine's warmth, we traded for a colder touch,

In the Western gaze, cultural norms clutch.

Yet, in the longing for the familiar embrace,

We find solace in cold, a paradoxical grace.


Too much work, a relentless stride,

Society's dance, a social life denied.

In the cacophony of progress, we pay the toll,

As the soul yearns for connection, an unspoken scroll.


Echoes of laughter, family ties unspooled,

In the pursuit of dreams, a social fabric cooled.

Yet, in the silent yearning for what once was,

Minds and hearts echo, the migration's cause.


In the centre of displacement, a poem unfolds,

A tapestry of loss, where the wanderer molds.

Literary terms paint the canvas of the displaced,

As the heart whispers of home, a sentiment embraced.

Roots Across the Sea

Roots Across the Sea

In lands where skies speak foreign tongues,  
Our roots stretch far, like ancient songs.  
We carry home in every step,  
In every beat, our spirits kept.  

The drum still calls beneath the sound,  
Of city streets and bustling ground.  
We dance the rhythms of our past,  
Through winds that change, our truths hold fast.  

A splash of color, bold and bright,  
Kente, beads, and woven light.  
Our hands still shape the clay of old,  
New lands, but hearts still firm and bold.  

We feast on spices, rich and warm,  
Though far from fields where yams were born.  
In jollof grains, we taste the earth,  
Of stories told in fireside mirth.  

And though the waves have drawn us wide,  
Our culture blooms where we reside.  
A tapestry of shared embrace,  
Diaspora, but never erased.  

For Africa is not just land,  
It lives in voice, in soul, in hand.  
Across the seas, we rise, we grow,  
With roots that anchor, wings to show.  

A story whispered in the air—  
Of who we were, and who we dare.  

About the Poem

This poem is a celebration African culture in diaspora